Millions of Hits Per Month!
RV Property is the industry leader in web traffic. If you want to get in front of Buyers or Renters this is place to be.
RV Property has broken the 12 million hits per month.
RV Property is ranked at or near the top of most search engines using the relative search terms.
The story of this website
This site is owned by Harvey Management, we purchased the site from Warren in September of 2016 and will continue to insure we remain the number 1 site for RV’ers to sell or rent an RV lot or site.
This website started when Warren and his wife bought into a Deluxe RV Park in Destin, FL and other owners wanted them to rent their lot while they were away. This request did not fit their criteria since they too, wanted to travel. Warren figured there must be a website for this need, finding no sites catering to the needs of RV Lots For Rent or Sale Warren started this website in 1999 and it has climbed to the top rankings on all search engines. RV Property has enjoyed success and we continue to make the website more appealing and useful for our RV friends.
If you find any link problems, grammatical errors, overlaps or other things that you can help me with? Have I left any important information off? We appreciate your input. Please send a note to Be sure to include the ad number so we can easily identify which ad you are referring to. was first published in November 1999
RV Property is working hard to build a good reputation within the RV Industry. We strive daily to make the best site on the internet to sell or rent your RV Lot!
A second, but more important goal is the promotion of Christianity across our RV Community. God has been the mainstay in our lives. He has been good to us and we want to praise Him for His mercy and give Him thanks for all our blessings. Being avid RV’ers has shown us that God is the creator. We see it in nature and in the people who engage in the RV lifestyle. When you are among fellow RV enthusiasts and you stop to think about it, it is a most peaceful place to be. Among the campers in the campground, walking in nature, driving across the plains, the mountains, or stopping at the seashore, you find something different than you see and feel downtown in the CBD or at the store or in hustle of traffic, for instance. God is among us, if we only give him a chance to reveal Himself.
We can’t think of a better way to get closer to God than experiencing the RV lifestyle in its truest sense. Jesus teaches us to sell all that we have and then follow him. RVing is a start, because if you go full-time you have to sell most of your stuff. Now you have to live the simple life and that brings one closer to God and nature. Learn from it and relax. Use your time to pray and go to church while you are experiencing the wonderful world of the RV lifestyle.
This website had grown and sometimes errors occur.
If you see an error please help me by sending a message on the Contact page. Please provide as much detail as you can.
We appreciate your help to make this the best website for RV Property.

Mary Ellen loved horses. She worked at Hollywood Park in Los Angeles, CA as a hot-walker when she was in college. We owned three horses before we went full-time RVing.
This website is dedicated to Mary Ellen Gravois, Warrens wife and traveling partner who died of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) on January 19, 2005. She had no regrets and lived her life to the fullest. I miss her. She edged me on and made me a better man. We were full-timers for 7 years before she became sick. We were in Alaska when she notice some thing strange in her face. She had had brain surgery back in 1991 and I said we would check on it. It went away and we enjoyed the rest of the journey.
A couple of months later she fell and broke her wrist. The Doctor noticed something and suspected a neurological problem and sent us to see a Neurologist. The neurologist made the diagnoses after some tests. That was 2002.
During the seven years of full-timing we traversed the Continent of North America for one end to the other, from Key West to Alaska, from Nova Scotia to Mexico.
She fought the good fight and now rest in the bosom of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
We have always enjoyed RVing:
When I was a young boy I learned that there was something special about the outdoors. I was a Boy Scout and looked forward to the monthly camping trips. Now; you have got to remember that I grew up in the 40’s and 50’s and people didn’t have personal transportation like they have today. Most families in our neighborhood did not own a car. Going on an outing to a distant place, about 40 miles away, was an adventure for a kid who rarely left the neighborhood, much less the city. Children attended the same elementary and high school before venturing off to college. Most of us learned about the world through the magazines and movies.
As a young father I took the family tenting and graduated to a pop-up camper. We roughed it! Later in the 70’s I bought a 17 foot travel trailer and we headed out on great adventures. I spent the year planning the next vacation. A two or three week vacation (of course in the summer when the kids were off from school) was meticulously planned and we made the most of our time. It became my love and a means of freedom; to travel, to learn and to enjoy the USA meant happiness and adventure.
In 1998, after my wife and I retired from the educational system in Louisiana, we decided to go full-time, living in an RV and traveling across the continent. We sold our house and most of our possessions to our son. It was difficult, but we did what we had to do to prepare ourselves for living on the road. We invited our kids to take what they needed, held a giant garage sale, and attempted to downsize. It did not work at first because we put some treasures into storage. We relocated the keepsake treasures to our storage building located at our deeded RV lot in Destin, FL. Eventually, most of the “treasures” we kept were eventually sold or given away. It is a great feeling to have less and less stuff and less worry and stress.
A new F350 Diesel truck and a 37.5 foot Avion 5th wheel with three slides was our forte’.
Many years were spent on family vacations, camping at the best beaches in the USA, in Destin, Florida. Destin is located in the panhandle between Pensacola and Panama City.
The spring before going full-time we were staying at our favorite campground in Destin and found that they needed help. We decided to make this our starting point for adventure after retirement. While working at Camping on the Gulf campground we found a RV Park with RV lots for sale. It was only one block from the best beaches in the USA. We were happy in the area and decided to buy the lot. The lot serves as our home base, with a storage building where items could be kept while we took to the road. Besides, we thought it was a good investment.
For more information go to Our Destin page.
…and we call Destin home:
“The return on our investment was more than we could imagine”
As it turned out we bought another lot and rented it out full time. The prices on land have risen in the area and are astronomical. Three campground plots of land have sold out to subdivisions and condominiums. The land is so high that it is not feasible to build a RV resort anymore. My lot is worth six times what I paid for it.
Many lot owners use their lot like a condo. They come every now and then for holidays and vacations. Others live like snowbirds and come down for the winter. They spend the summers up north in their home. Since we live here much of the time and we are full-timers, lot owners began to ask if we would manage their lot as a rental property. Our covenants provide for owners to rent their lot out. Committing ourselves to that responsibility was not what we wanted. Traveling whenever we get the fancy is what this lifestyle is all about.
Since it was costly and difficult for them to advertise, the idea occurred that if we provided a web site, owners could advertise their lot and manage it themselves. After all, it was not practical or cost effective to advertise in a number of newspapers across the country. The web offers them a place to reach the world.
After searching the internet for a place that RV lot owners could advertise, I found none. Building a website had not occurred to me before. I got interested, so I bought the software and learned how to do it. The maintenance and building of this website has become a hobby with us and it gives us a chance to interact with other RVers. They see our advertisement on our truck and RV and want more information about the website. The website has taken off and is listed at the top of search engines.
We enjoy contributing to the well being of our lifestyle. We need to concentrate on making the website pay for itself, but the fun and challenge of being a webmaster has taken priority. Hopefully you can appreciate our situation as we travel across the country performing our hobby/business and not be in too much of a hurry when placing an ad. We will service your needs as soon as we get to the next phone modem.
. . . and we have a Truck Camper too!
We love our 5th wheel trailer for long trips and the comfort of fulltime living, but hooking up and taking it a couple of hundred miles every month or so to visit our family for a weekend was cumbersome. Long ago truck campers appealed to me, because of the compactness and facilities it offered and ease of staying wherever feasible. It can be setup in someone’s driveway for the weekend. It allows us to go from house to house and park in the driveway. Just perfect for staying a few days and not making problems for the household. We like to have our things and privacy and most of all, our own bed.
While we were on a trip to Alaska we met many RVers who had Truck Campers. We checked out many campers for the last three years and found a Lance with all amenities to be the one for us. It is great for short trips and with an adventurous attitude one could go for a month or more.
…life goes on and things change
…Remember … Enjoy yourself!